RECAPITULATION – Recovering Lost Energy to Heal Your Heart.


The objective of this practice is to allow all the energy you lost during any painful exchange with another, to come back to you and the other person or persons energy to go back to them. 

Sit in a quiet space, light a candle, you can even spray your space with Purify, Protect and PureBliss or your favourite scent to create a healing space where you feel calm and safe to do some self-healing work.

Take a few deep breaths and allow your mind and body to come to calmness. Let your body automatically begin to relax as you breathe in relaxation and exhale all the tension in the body. If any thoughts come up, just allow them to add to the relaxation!

Now allow your unconscious wisdom to bring up any incident that comes where you have had an unsettling experience which has caused some heart ache. Don’t judge whatever comes, just trust that this is where you are meant to start.

Slowly take a deep breath in and at the same time turn your head to the left as far as it will go without straining. Now slowly exhale as you turn your head all the way to the right. Continue to inhale turning your head all the way to the left and exhale turning your head all the way to the right. At the same time start to visualize the event playing in you minds eye like a movie.

Once you are in the rhythm of this breathing, on the inhale start imagining all the energy you lost in the event playing in your minds eye begins to come back to you, to your heart and to your whole being, and on the exhale all energy that is not yours going back to the other.

Continue to replay the event until such time you feel all your energy has been recovered,feel into your body and your heart and notice how you feel. Usually when your energy has been recovered, your head will automatically slow down and come to a stop and you may feel a sense of lightness in your whole being.

PLEASE NOTE: You may experience emotions during the process, which if they arise, just permit and allow them without any judgement. They usually fade as the process progresses. And sometimes, your unconscious wisdom may take you to other events which also need healing. You can then decide to recapitulate them at this time or at another time depending on your timing.

Repeat this practice as often as needed for any kind of unpleasant interactions. You will find that there is less emotions attached to these past events and experience a healthier inner self.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.