Alternate breathing is an excellent technique to:

  • Calm & centre the mind, body & emotions
  • Helps to bring into harmony the left and right hemispheres of the brain easing stress and anxiety – the left and right hemispheres of the brain are associated with the logical and emotional sides of our personality
  • Promotes a smoother flow of energy throughout the body, removing toxins and clearing energy channels

  1. Start by sitting in a comfortable seat or on a cushion with the spine in an upright position but relax your body. Soften your jaw and breathe as naturally as possible.
  2. Begin by exhaling completely and then gently closing your right nostril with your thumb
  3. Inhale slowly a deep breath through the left nostril
  4. Close your left nostril with your ring finger
  5. Lift the thumb from the right nostril and exhale a long slow breath through the right nostril
  6. Keep the right nostril open and inhale deeply through the right nostril
  7. Close the right nostril with your thumb and exhale slowly through the left nostril – this is one cycle
  8. Inhale through the left nostril to start the next round

Repeat 3 times (staying in your comfort zone). Gradually build up to 5 minutes daily or as needed during times of stress and anxiety.