With all the turmoil going on worldwide, people are generally experiencing a hard time relaxing, focusing or even sleeping right now. So today, I would like to share an Autogenics Relaxation technique which I think can help you. I have been using this technique for years and can quite honestly say it is the fastest way that I personally achieve a state of complete relaxation when I need it.

Autogenics Relaxation Technique

This is a self-hypnosis desensitization-relaxation technique developed by the German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz. The technique is used to alleviate many stress-induced psychosomatic disorders. With repetition you will find that it is a great self-healing tool.

When practicing this technique: Sit comfortably, so that you don’t fall down or, lie down – do not cross your legs or arms. Visualize experiencing each sensation as you proceed in steps 1 to 9.

  1. My arms are heavy. My left arm is heavy. My right arm is heavy. Both of my arms are heavy.
  2. My legs are heavy. My left leg is heavy. My right leg is heavy. Both of my legs are heavy.
  3. My arms are warm. My left arm is warm. My right arm is warm. Both of my arms are warm.
  4. My legs are warm. My left leg is warm. My right leg is warm. Both of my legs are warm.
  5. Both my arms and legs are heavy and warm.
  6. My heart is calm. Put your attention to the heart and allow the heart to become calm (You can place hand on the heart – only if you have a hard time connecting to the heart – this helps to start connecting to the organ). Notice how your heart feels. If the mind starts to get active and emotions start to come up – you continue to observe and allow the emotion.
  7. My breathing is deep and calm – Put all you attention into your breathing – lungs & trunk.
  8. My stomach is warm – if you have an ulcer – it is slightly warm.
  9. My forehead is cool.

Once you get practiced at relaxing, you can go directly to the forehead and just by repeating “my forehead is cool” will evoke all of the steps in one!

First determine your physical problem, ie. My back hurts when I bend – the positive of this would be “my spine is healthy” use your own words. Repeat your positive statement once you are in a complete state of relaxation and can go to sleep in this way.

Sindy Taylor
Body Mind Practitioner